Building A Better LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has now become an eminent place for companies to find recruiters with outstanding talents. And by now almost all those who seeks for a job creates a LinkedIn account, but only a very few are chosen by the companies. You may be having excellent and right talents but that should also be seen in your LinkedIn profile so that only, one can choose you for their jobs. Here are some tips to create an improved LinkedIn profile.

  • The URL

By default LinkedIn will be providing you a lengthy URL, the first and the foremost thing that you should do is to change that incomprehensible URL. For that navigate to the “Edit profile” and click on “Public profile” and now in the right side you can see the “Your public profile URL” go to it and change your URL. Keep in my mind that the URL must have some resemblance to your name and should not be so lengthy and better make it easy to remember.

  • Profile Picture

Your profile picture is the next important factor; upload a good looking face of yours to your LinkedIn profile, so that employer seekers will be pleased to see your smiling and smart face. Without a photo a job resume is incomplete, so have a good photo of you taken and then upload it to your profile, be proud to show you to the public….. J

  • Professional Headline

The professional headline is that which shows, for what you should be known to the world. You like to be known as a web designer, and then give your professional headline as a web designer. Otherwise LinkedIn will assign your most recent job title as the Headline. It is so much important because the first thing that one who sees your profile notices will be your professional headline.

  • The Keywords

Enter keywords to your profile that explains your abilities and interests, then only you will be listed in the search results when employers seek for the person who fits their needs. These keywords will help the companies to understand about you and your skills. Use the keywords that describe you, never enter something that not at all matches with your skills and expertise.

  • Connect with your Networks

You can add you personal website, professional website, your blog, twitter account, etc to your LinkedIn profile, so that more information about you can be gathered by the companies. Enter your interests to the profile and join the groups and associations that deal with your interests, so that you will be enriched with more information and data.

  • Enrich Your profile

LinkedIn has a lot of sections that can be added to your profile so as to make it a complete and useful resume. The important and informative sections that can be added to your profile are certifications, awards and honors, courses, etc… From these a company can get a brief description of your skills and field of expertise.

  • The Summary

Create a summary that will make the people read, the readers should feel to read about you more and more. Have something personal avoid giving professionalism to your summary, readers should feel that you are saying from the heart, that’s what we need, a true person who never lies to himself.

Jees K Denny

I’m Jees K Denny, a Web Developer and a Passionate Blogger from Pudukad, Thrissur, Kerala. You can get in touch with me In most of your social networks including Facebook , Google , Twitter etc.

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