How to Increase Online Sales on eCommerce Websites

An eCommerce website is used to sell items online. You can use auction sites or classified ads, but if you want to set up an online business, then an ecommerce website is the way to go. You need to treat it as if it were a high street store. It needs the same amount of promotion and professionalism. The website needs to be clean and easy to use. You need to make sure that you customers can find what they want, and that they are able to buy it securely.

e-commerce website

You need to answer the big questions

You have to assume that the people who land on your eCommerce have never heard of you or your products. You need to find a way of telling them who you are and what you do. You then need to present them with your products and explain why the viewer should buy them from you. You need to let them know that they have a need and that you are capable of filling that need.

Security is an issue that helps you to build trust

If you want to increase your sales, then you need to find a way of proving to people that it is safe to buy from your website. They need to be able to trust you. They need to know that their credit/debit card information is not going to be sold to another company, and they need to know that you are not going to try to take more money out of their account. Finally, they need some sort of reassurance that you are actually going to deliver the goods that they purchase.

You need to prove that you are true to your word

Creditability is a big problem online, as people have no immediate reason to trust what you write on your website. You may say that your product is the best on the market, but they have no reason to believe you. You need to find a way of gaining a little bit of credibility. Do not try to do it with testimonials or positive reviews because nobody believes them.

Make your navigation very easy to use

A lot of lost sales online do not come from poor advertising or promotion, they come from poor navigation. Your viewer wants to find the right product and/or information very quickly. You need to abide by the three-click rule. If it takes the viewer more than three clicks to find the product that he/she desires, then you are going to lose viewers and sales.

Your pages need to load quickly

A common eCommerce mistake is to load a page full of images and graphics, to the point where it takes too long to load. People cannot trust websites that take too long to load, and will often become frustrated at having to wait and so will disengage their use of your website.

Let people find out why they want your products

Being over promotional by bombarding your viewers with offers and promotional tag lines is going to lose you a lot of sales. Many eCommerce sites start telling people how great their products are before the viewer has even discovered what they sell. You need to answer a few of the viewer’s original questions before you start selling to them. Your returning customers will not mind this either, as they will just skip to the pages that they require.

Promote your website off-site

Your eCommerce site needs to be promoted via email, affiliate networks, and on other websites. Do not rely on search engines to provide you with your customers, because search engine optimization of eCommerce websites is hard. It may also damage the way that your eCommerce website gets its message across. You should even consider adverting and promoting your website off on the Internet too. You should create marketing campaigns that are going to drive people to your eCommerce site.

Author’s bio:

My name is Sonia Jackson. I represent the Australian web-site We’ll help you to solve all problems with writing different essays and research papers according to the rules of the universities and colleges in Australia.

Jees K Denny

I’m Jees K Denny, a Web Developer and a Passionate Blogger from Pudukad, Thrissur, Kerala. You can get in touch with me In most of your social networks including Facebook , Google , Twitter etc.

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